Monday, September 26, 2011


The Planets in the Solar System

Inner Solar System 

The inner Solar System is the traditional name for the region comprising the terrestrial planets and asteroids. Composed mainly of silicates and metals, the objects of the inner Solar System are relatively close to the Sun; the radius of this entire region is shorter than the distance between Jupiter and Saturn. 

The Inner planets 

The four inner or terrestrial planets have dense, rocky compositions, few or no moons, and no ring systems. They are composed largely of refractory minerals, such as the silicates, which form their crusts and mantles, and metals such as iron and nickel, which form their cores. Three of the four inner planets (Venus, Earth and Mars) have atmospheres substantial enough to generate weather; all have impact craters and tectonic surface features such as rift valleys and volcanoes. The term inner planet should not be confused with inferior planet, which designates those planets that are closer to the Sun than Earth.


 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun measures 0.4 AU from the Sun and the smallest planet in the Solar System with 0.055 Earth masses. Mercury has no natural satellites, and it’s only known geological features besides impact craters are lobed ridges, probably produced by a period of contraction early in its history. Mercury's almost negligible atmosphere consists of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind. Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained. Hypotheses include that its outer layers were stripped off by a giant impact, and that it was prevented from fully accreting by the young Sun's energy. 


Venus is close in size to Earth measures 0.7 AU from the Sun and 0.815 Earth masses, and, like Earth, has a thick silicate mantle around an iron core, a substantial atmosphere and evidence of internal geological activity. However, it is much drier than Earth and its atmosphere is ninety times as dense. Venus has no natural satellites. It is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures over 400°C, most likely due to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. No definitive evidence of current geological activity has been detected on Venus, but it has no magnetic field that would prevent depletion of its substantial atmosphere, which suggests that its atmosphere is regularly replenished by volcanic eruptions.


Earth is the largest and densest of the inner planets measures 1 AU from the Sun. It is the only one known to have current geological activity, and is the only place in the Solar System where life is known to exist. Its liquid hydrosphere is unique among the terrestrial planets, and it is also the only planet where plate tectonics has been observed. Earth's atmosphere is radically different from those of the other planets, having been altered by the presence of life to contain 21% free oxygen. It has one natural satellite, the Moon, the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Solar System.


Mars is smaller than Earth and Venus that measures 1.5 AU from the Sun with 0.107 Earth masses. It possesses an atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide with a surface pressure of 6.1 mill bars. Its surface, peppered with vast volcanoes such as Olympus Moons and rift valleys such as Valleys Mariners, shows geological activity that may have persisted until as recently as 2 million years ago. Its red color comes from iron oxide in its soil. Mars has two tiny natural satellites, Deimos andPhobos thought to be captured asteroids.

The Outer Solar System 

 The outer region of the Solar System is home to the gas giants and their large moons. Many short period comets, including the centaurs, also orbit in this region. Due to their greater distance from the Sun, the solid objects in the outer Solar System contain a higher proportion of volatiles such as water, ammonia and methane, than the rocky denizens of the inner Solar System, as the colder temperatures allow these compounds to remain solid. The four outer planets, or gas giants sometimes called Jovian planets, collectively make up 99 % of the mass known to orbit the Sun. Jupiter and Saturn are each many tens of times the mass of the Earth and consist overwhelmingly of hydrogen and helium; Uranus and Neptune are far less massive and possess more ices in their makeup. For these reasons, some astronomers suggest they belong in their own category, “ice giants.” All four gas giants have rings, although only Saturn's ring system is easily observed from Earth. The term outer planet should not be confused with superior planet, which designates planets outside Earth's orbit and thus includes both the outer planets and Mars.


Jupiter measures 5.2 AU at 318 Earth masses, is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets put together. It is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's strong internal heat creates a number of semi-permanent features in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. Jupiter has 63 known satellites. The four largest, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa, show similarities to the terrestrial planets, such as volcanism and internal heating. Ganymede, the largest satellite in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury.

Saturn measures 9.5 AU, distinguished by its extensive ring system, has several similarities to Jupiter, such as its atmospheric composition and magnetosphere. Although Saturn has 60% of Jupiter's volume, it is less than a third as massive, at 95 Earth masses, making it the least dense planet in the Solar System. The rings of Saturn are made up of small ice and rock particles. Saturn has 62 confirmed satellites; Titan and Enceladus, two of which show signs of geological activity, though they are largely made of ice. Titan, the second largest moon in the Solar System, is larger than Mercury and the only satellite in the Solar System with a substantial atmosphere.

Uranus measures 19.6 AU at 14 Earth masses, is the lightest of the outer planets. Uniquely among the planets, it orbits the Sun on its side; its axial tilt is over ninety degrees to the ecliptic. It has a much colder core than the other gas giants, and radiates very little heat into space. Uranus has 27 known satellites, the largest ones being Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda. Neptune

Neptune measures 30 AU, though slightly smaller than Uranus, is more massive equivalent to 17 Earth and therefore more dense. It radiates more internal heat, but not as much as Jupiter or Saturn. Neptune has 13 known satellites. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with geysers of liquid nitrogen. Triton is the only large satellite with a retrograde orbit. Neptune is accompanied in its orbit by a number of minor planets, termed Neptune Trojans, which are in 1:1 resonance.

Pluto is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System and the tenth-most-massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun. Originally classified as the ninth planet from the Sun, Pluto was re categorized as a dwarf planet and Pluto due to the discovery that it is one of several large bodies within the newly charted Kuiper belt. Pluto is composed primarily of rock and ice and is relatively small: approximately a fifth the mass of the Earth's Moon and a third its volume. It has an eccentric and highly inclined orbit that takes it from 30 to 49 AU from the Sun. This causes Pluto to periodically come closer to the Sun than Neptune. Pluto has four known moons, the largest being Charon discovered in 1978, along with Nix and Hydra, discovered in 2005, and the provisionally named S/2011 P 1, discovered in 2011. Pluto and Charon are sometimes described as a binary system because the barycenter of their orbits does not lie within either body.[21] The IAU has yet to formalise a definition for binary dwarf planets, and as such officially classifies Charon as a moon of Pluto.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Importance of Coral Reefs and Mangroves.

Coral reefs are often hailed as the rainforests of the sea; coral reefs can be termed as a type of living, marine organisms which secrete calcium carbonate, over a long period of time, to form a hard outer skeletal covering. Many people including me assume coral reefs to be plants or rocks. When I researched about it, I learned that coral reefs were polyps that grow along in large groups and in large areas. Polyps are tiny, cylindrical marine habitats. Coral reefs can be best understood to be a group of polyps that grow together. The Importance of the Coral Reefs:
Coral reefs are important because it is natural resources or habitat that we can be proud of. It isnt just a plant or animal-like but it is the place or the home of our marine animals. It is where they live and source of their food. Coral reefs help sustained the tropical marine ecosystems. Coral reefs form an important part of the tropical marine biology. The coral reefs maintain a balance of life with the mangrove and sea grass ecosystems near the coastal shores. Coral reefs support the food chain by being a food for tropical fish and other marine animals that serve as food for animals, higher in the food chain. This maintains the balance of the ecosystem. The coral reefs give our fishermen a big help to earned money to support their needs. They caught fishes to sell and provide food for us, as a consumers. In some areas, because of coral reefs, a business like resorts, it became one of their attractions to their guests in example in Boracay. It is important also in helping coastal areas especially those who live near the vicinity in preventing wave erosion or any other calamities that may happened in coastal areas. The disastrous hurricanes and tsunamis that sweep off life and property are lessened in their impact by coral reefs. Coral reefs are known to break the power of waves and reduce their intensity, thereby protecting coastal areas from destruction. Coral reefs can be called as nature's defense mechanism to prevent coastal soil erosion and flooding. Coral reefs also have contribution in medicine. It has a big help for us and their were also more studies that could help treat disease.
Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow in tropical and subtropical tidelands throughout the world. Mangroves grow in areas that are frequently inundated with salt water due to tidal activity of gulfs, seas and oceans. Mangroves are able to thrive salt water inundation because of specialized rooting structures (such as prop roots and pneumatophores), specialized reproduction (live birth) and the ability to exclude or excrete salt. Mangroves grow exclusively in these tidal areas in large stands or groves to where these areas are referred to as their own ecological community.
The Importance of Mangroves: The mangrove community is valued for its protection and stabilization of low-lying coastal lands and its importance in estuarine and coastal fishery food chains. Mangrove forests protect uplands from storm winds, waves, and floods. The amount of protection afforded by mangroves depends upon the width of the forest. Mangroves can help prevent erosion by stabilizing shorelines with their specialized root systems. The relationship between mangroves and their associated marine life cannot be overemphasized. Mangroves provide protected nursery areas for fishes, crustaceans, and shellfish. Seventy-five percent of the game fish and ninety percent of the commercial species in south Florida are dependent on mangrove ecosystems (Law and Pywell FRC-43). They provide food for a multitude of marine species such as snook, snapper, tarpon, jack, sheep head, red drum, oysters, and shrimp. Many animals find shelter either in the roots or branches of mangroves. Mangroves serve as rookeries, or nesting areas, for beautiful coastal birds such as brown pelicans and roseate spoonbills.