Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Land Use Change Influences continental Water Cycle”

In Water cycle, water changes state in liquid, solid (ice), and gas (water vapor). The water gets into atmosphere through evaporation. Water vapor took place through the energy of the Sun. The water vapor that form from ice and snow through the process called sublimation and can evaporates from plants through the process called transpiration. Through condensation, the water vapor rises in the atmosphere and form into tiny water droplets which are the clouds, it combines and forms into big and heavy and stays in the air. Then it will collapse and fall in the ground in the form of rain, snow, and other type of precipitation.
The water cycle was not just made from the sea, ocean, and the like but also in land area such as in forest. Tropical forests play an important role in the global water cycle. One of the example of water cycle from forest were in Amazon forest were more than 50% responsible for the rainfall in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Southern Brazil, where it feeds crops and rivers. Also in Africa, the Congo forest exports tons of water through the atmosphere to the West- African countries.
“Land use changes such as irrigation, dams, and deforestation, potentially affecting water resources in distant region influenced in water cycle according to Van der Ent.

In Moisture recycle, the water falling as precipitation in one region or country was originated from other or in a distant region. In other words, the moisture that recycled was originated as evaporation within the region. The role of moisture recycling patterns and the distribution of global water resources were covered by global wind patterns, topography, and land.
In other regions of the Earth, which are the regions that covered with forests they have excellent balance between moisture in the soil, evaporation from the soil and rain falling back to the soil. Regions that contain an abundance of plant life with an abundance of rain are so called rain forests.

In Deforestation, the forests evaporate the water to the atmosphere. According to the researcher named Miriam Gerrits,” the forests floors are responsible for evaporations in forests. When the forests will lose, it will result not only reducing the evaporation from the trees but also in reducing the evaporation from the forests floor. And that could result into global consequences for rainfall, water resources and food security when resulting into local decrease of evaporations.

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